As a treat after all our hard work we splurged on a sleeper room from grand junction to Seattle, it was hardly expensive in comparison to a first class plane ticket and it promised to be a good experience. It didn’t disappoint. We arrived at the train station a half hour before the train and unloaded the bikes. We were called up first to check in then handed over our bikes and were greated by name by our sleeper room attendant who showed us to our room that was clean, made up and had two bottles of cold water waiting for us. Once the train started up the attendant came by to explain the ins and out of train travel and to inform us that all of our meals were included and that the showers were down stairs and included towels. He then told us how to call him and left us to watch the scenery roll by. Wow what a fantastic way to watch the world go by. After leaving grand junction we are treated to a lovely view of red rock canyons and the Colorado river (complete with a plethora of white river rafter asses as we go by, as this is apparently a thing)
I had intended to read a book and edit go pro videos but am totally mesmerized by the constant live View outside the window and do nothing but watch the scenery until dinner. At dinner we are seated with David from Palm Springs who is a flamboyant retired lawyer with some pretty great stories. Dinner is off the menu so we all decide to get the full value out of our trip and go for the $39 surf and turf and New York cheese cake. We roll into bed feeling pretty damn privledged, but have to admit it’s a nice experience. 
I’ve got a ticket for the long way round, the one with the prettiest of views.
On go the bikes
I could get used to this type of travel
Sacramento train station
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