Thursday, August 15, 2019

Today was a good day

We wake amidst the disaster of our slightly less damp gear and shuffled down the hall for a good old hotel breakfast. Peter promises to eat two waffles and actually pulls it off while Steve and I eat twice as much as most everyone else. With breakfast accomplished we pack up and head up the hill to town only to find that the bike store Cycles of Life doesn’t open till 10. Not big deal, we hit up the local coffee shop and easily pass the time. As 10 rolls around we are at the bike shop, eager to get my bike booked in. The shop is AMAZING, not only do they make my bike a priority they also sell me a new front break at a truly awesome price. Just over 2 hours and $100 later we are in our way (but not before pizza with our trail friend from the second day). 

The ride from Leadville is exactly the type of ride we needed after yesterday’s suffer fest. It’s beautiful single track with rideable climbs, epic views and fast sweeping downhill. We even make it to camp around 5pm, this is such a strange concept we are actually at a loss of what to do with all our hours before dark.

Steve still struggling to wake up at coffee

Cycles of life, the shop that got us back on the road quickly  and gave us a great deal !

Shop dog ❤️

On the road again ! 

Beautiful ride through aspen !

Look at how rideable that trail is !!
 lakeside camping


  1. Big puffy clouds, blue skies, lovely single track after breakfast, coffee and a terrific bike shop experience....sounds like a fab day!

  2. That looks a fun day with beautiful views

  3. Looks likes a awesome trip. Ya hard core, but some beautiful moments. Stay safe.
    love you guys. Mom


That’s it, that’s all. Thanks for following along

It’s been a trip to remember for sure! 1148kms of predominantly single track and just a hair under 18,000 meters of climbing over 18 days of...