Thursday, August 29, 2019

That’s it, that’s all. Thanks for following along

It’s been a trip to remember for sure!
1148kms of predominantly single track and just a hair under 18,000 meters of climbing over 18 days of riding. This trip challenged us all physically, mentally and emotionally. It was a lot harder than we imagined it could be but came with some stunning views and some periodically fun simgletrack. We finished our CT adventure in lake city, leaving unriden sections19-24. We will be back one day to finish up but perhaps on foot instead of bike. 
All up the Colorado trail was a fantastic experience but I believe it’s best experienced as the hiking trail it was intended to be. While there are some great flowing sections it still has the flavour of a hiking trail and is more about riding in the woods and pushing your bike up hill than mountain biking. They say that 10% of the trail is unrideable which is probably accurate. It doesn’t sound like much until you remember it’s nearly 800kms long and that 10% is equal to pushing your bike along the 47km long Juan de Fuca Trail... twice. We got ourselves into some pretty hairy situations (many of which could have been avoided if we tried harder) and had some downright unpleasant days but we also had some amazing days and good bonding opportunities and we are all the better for the experience. Steve professed repetitively along the trip that he was retiring but after a few days of first class train travel is hinting at a trip in Oregon one day... so we will see 😉

Thank you for following along on our journey, I hope you enjoyed some armchair travel and you were inspired to get out there and experience some of these places for yourself. Comment below with a link to your next adventure, we would love to follow along on some of your adventures until our next trip.

Before I sign off I have a few people to thank, first up is my mom, this trip would not have been possible without you!! Secondly is my dad who hopped back into a car days after getting back from 7000kms of driving to come get us from Seattle. Last but certainly not least are my traveling companions who followed along with my hairbrain idea. 

Thanks y’all and happy adventures!

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That’s it, that’s all. Thanks for following along

It’s been a trip to remember for sure! 1148kms of predominantly single track and just a hair under 18,000 meters of climbing over 18 days of...