Monday, August 19, 2019

Monarch crest trail

Just a easy ride up to monarch pass on Hwy 50 and the start of the monarch crest trail... just an easy ride. The easy ride turns out to be 15kms and 1000meters of elevation. To those of you good at math it’s a pretty nice grade, it’s a hard start to a long day regardless. 
About 11kms into the ride my left knee starts to give me grief and we are forced to stop at regular intervals to stretch out and then ultimately tape the knee. At long last we make the pass and indulge in second breakfast and coffee... Peter indulges in a second second breakfast before food becomes rationed again. 
We spend a few hours hanging out and restocking at the gift shop with the through hikers before headed out on the famous monarch crest trail. It really is as stunningly beautiful as I expected, it’s not however particularly spectacular riding. The trail starts out smooth and flows but quickly degraded to narrow and rocky which more or less makes stopping to take in the view necessary, which we do regularly because the view is very worth taking in we stop for lunch at the top of Fusas creek then follow the high ridge to where it drops into the trees at Green cabin. From there the trail more or less descends down into the trees and becomes loose rocky and unpleasant. Once you pass the turnoff to silver creek the trail becomes unrideable in the steep sections (up or down) thanks to the motorcycle riders who are apparently allowed on segment 16 and 17!

1 comment:

That’s it, that’s all. Thanks for following along

It’s been a trip to remember for sure! 1148kms of predominantly single track and just a hair under 18,000 meters of climbing over 18 days of...