Thursday, August 15, 2019

Extra 48kms...

Since today is ment to be a short day to Monarch spur RV park on Hwy 50 we take our time packing up then tackle each pushy climb without gusto. Dispite the short 25km total it still takes us about 4 hours to reach the campground and we get in just before 3pm. During the final steep and chunky decent down to hwy 50 Peter starts to notice a horrible sound coming from his bike.... after setting up camp and sorting laundry he investigates to find that his break pads are metal on metal... 
He calls down to Salida to find a shop that will stay open for him to get there then hammers the 15 miles down hill, getting there just after 6pm. Unfortunately it’s not actually the shop he called but they are still kicking around so open up and allow his to buy breaks pads for both Steve and him. This trail is hard on breaks to say the least as both Steve and Peter started with new pads before the trip !
After an unexpected 48km trip to town peter arrives back at the campground after dark and we all enjoy some Coors banquet and mash potatoes for dinner under the romantic LED glow of headlights 😂

1 comment:

That’s it, that’s all. Thanks for following along

It’s been a trip to remember for sure! 1148kms of predominantly single track and just a hair under 18,000 meters of climbing over 18 days of...