Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Airports and sketchy Hwys

It’s 3:15 am and I can hear 4 alarms going off simultaneously, each one as annoying as the next. After a late night and a prolonged... musical serenade...from the neighbours it’s a very early wake up call, even the dogs seem groggy as everyone collects in the kitchen for a quick coffee. 
After a brief goodbye to the puppies we load up and make our way to nanimo for our 5:45 flight.
After forcing us to unpack our beautifully boxed bikes and charging each of us $80 for the pleasure we are free to board. 
5 hours and a layover later we are in unpacking our bikes in the Denver airport. The ride from the airport to the hotel is like every ride from every airport I have ever flown into... loud, sketchy, uninspired  and regrettable. 
The day is salvaged by a first class Burger and some great beer at Station 26 Brewery which is conveniently located stumbling distance from our hotel. 
Tomorrow promises to be hotter, longer and harder. 

1 comment:

That’s it, that’s all. Thanks for following along

It’s been a trip to remember for sure! 1148kms of predominantly single track and just a hair under 18,000 meters of climbing over 18 days of...